Imagine the number of your potential customers who own a credit card. This is a large segment of your customer base whom you can attract to your business if you offer more convenient modes of payment.
ACH payments give you the competency to expand the number of credit payments by offering similar conveniences to this large section of the market at half the cost of typical credit card processing.
ACH - Automated Clearing House is a functional electronic network designed for financial transactions in the United States. A large chunk for debit and credit transaction batches is processed by ACH. Its direct debit services can be used to transfer insurance premium, mortgages and other sorts of bills. ACH is used in both government and private sector as businesses prefer making payments through ACH rather than debit or credit cards.
One may be compelled to ask, why they should use ACH payments. Here are a few good reasons to do so:
- ACH processing services are evolving rapidly as a payment medium and conduct over 21 billion transactions every year
- Lag time in receiving funds-in-hand is negligible and funds are received on settlement day itself.
- Zero posting and deposit preparation costs.
- Higher customer satisfaction and reduced hassle over default payments.
- Automatic process eliminates manual procedures of payment processing
- Waives off postage and return envelope costs
- Automatic recurring billing processes can set up to ensure timely payments.
The user can make the process economical for the customers who buy their products and services. ACH processing services will improve billing and collection by eliminating the expenses incurred on paper checks.